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New Plants for 2001 and 2002

Most of these plants will be available in May to June 2001, but possibly in small numbers

Phlox diviricata Chatahoochee Purplish blue flowers and reddish centres with great fragrance, from early spring till summer. Semi evergreen creeping mats. Ht 1ft.
Eremerus isabellinus Cleopatra Foxtail Lily ht 5ft A spectacular selection of E. isabellinus. The flowers are orange rose on the outside of the petals and the inside is rose. Flower spike itself is 2.5ft. Excellent plants for the back of a perennial border. Plant makes a nice mound of foliage and goes dormant after flowering. Thrives in a well-drained soil and prefers mulch late autumn. Euphorbia amygdaloides Burrowmill Silver Wood Spurge Height: 2ft Very Nice variegated variety, which has a compact growing habit. The variegation is creamy white and very steady. A great feature on any variegated plant. Prefers a sheltered location with a well-drained limy soil. Plant resents late pruning or trimming.
Geranium Splish Splash
Cranesbill Height: 2ft A great new variety which has very unique flowers. The flowers are white and streaked with lavender blue irregular spots.The first flowers appear in the spring and then re-bloom in late summer to early autumn. The leaves are green and large.
Achillea Feuerland Large flat heads of scarlet flowers with yellow eyes for long period in Summer. Ht 2ft. Fades to a lovely terracotta colour
Achillea Terracotta Flat heads of tiny papery deep terracotta flowers which fade to a paler colour. Basal clumps of feathery foliage. Ht 2.5ft. Summer flowering
Calamintha grandiflora variegated Peppermint scented foliage on low spreading plant. Deep pink flowers in Summer. A good groundcover plant for front of a border.
Cimicifuga simplex White Pearl White fluffy fragrant flowers in late Summer. A tall striking back of border plant for a rich moist soil. Ht 3ft
Dahlia Haresbrooke Dark purplish foliage and bright cerise flowers. A tender perennial but well worth the effort of lifting and protecting in Winter. Good for tubs or a bright splash of colour in a mixed border. Ht 2-3ft
Erigeron Foersters Liebling Bright pink aster like flowers with golden yellow centres through Summer. Ht 18". A reliable and relatively easy to grow plant
Leucanthemum serotina Tall back of border plant with white daisy flowers. Ht 4ft. Very useful for it's late Summer flowering. Vigorous and profuse flowering
Lobelia Tania Cerise purple flowers on a 3ft plant from July to September. Is reputably totally hardy and appears to be so. Prefers a rich moist soil.
Persicaria amplexicaulis atrosanguinea Deep pink narrow poker flowers on a 2-3ft plant which will spread well given a rich soil. Long flowering period
Pennisetum villosum Silvery white bottlebrush type of flower heads mid summer onwards. Very attractive in large drifts or in containers. A low compact plant. Best in a well drained site that won't waterlog

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