D.W. Hickson and Sons, Garden House Nurseries,
Full List of Herbaceous perennials 2000 L to Z
Nb. We may not stock all varieties at any one time
Lavandula angustifolia True lavender. Blue flower spikes June to July. Ht 18ins
Lavandula Grappenhall Old English lavender Tall blue flower spikes July to Sept. Ht 2.5ft
Lavandula Munstead True lavender. Blue flower spikes June to July. Ht 15ins
Lavatera Barnsley Large cream flowers with a pink centre Juneto Sept. Ht 6ft
Lavatera Breddon Springs Dwarf lavatera with deep pink flowers July to Sept. Ht 4ft.
Lavatera olbia rosea Large pink mallow flowers July to October.Ht 6ft. Prune in Spring
Leucanthemum Aglaia Semi double shaggy white flowers June to August Ht 20ins
Leucanthemum Esther Reed Old variety. Double white flowers June to September. Ht 2ft. Good cut flower.
Leucanthemum Phyllis Smith Long shaggy white petalled flowers in Summer Ht 2.5ft
Liatris Kobold Purple flower spikes July to September. Ht18ins. Good cut flower.
Ligularia Dent. Desdemona Large purple leaves, orange flowers July to September. Ht 4ft. Soil that doesnt dry
Ligularia Gregynog Gold Large leaves, Golden flowers with bronze centre July to August. Ht 2ft. Soil that doesnt dry
Ligularia Orange Queen Large purplish leaves, orange flowers July to September. Ht 4ft. Soil that doesnt dry
Ligularia prz. The Rocket Large cut, bronze leaves, bright yellow flowers on black stems July to August. Ht 4ft. Soil that doesnt dry
Ligularia przewalskii Large cut, bronze leaves, orange flowers July to August. Ht 3ft. Soil that doesnt dry
Linaria Canon J. Went Rose snapdragon like flowers on 2ft spikes July to October.
Linaria Winifreds Delight Yellow snapdragon like flowers flushed with purple on 2ft spikes June to August.
Linaria Yuppie Surprise Pinkish purple flowers with deep veins June to October Ht 2-3ft
Linum perenne Blue Saphyr Flax. Many sky blue flowers June to September. Ht 18ins
Lobelia card. Queen Victoria Red foliage. scarlet flowers July to September. Ht 2.5ft. Soil that doesnt dry or pond marginal.
Lobelia F1 Cinnabar Rose Impressive large rose coloured flowers on long spikes June to August. Ht 2ft. Needs sheltered site.
Lobelia Fan F1 Deep Red Impressive large bright red coloured flowers on long spikes June to August. Ht 2ft. Needs sheltered site.
Lobelia syphilitica Light blue and white flowers late summer Ht 2ft Soil that doesn’t dry or as pond marginal
Lupin Mirakel Dwarf lupin. Mixed bright colours. June to August. Ht 18ins
Lupin My Castle Brick red coloured tall flower spikes June to August. Ht 3 ft.
Lupin The Chatelaine Rose and white tall flower spikes June to August. Ht 3 ft.
Lupin The Pages Carmine shads. Tall flower spikes June to August. Ht 3 ft.
Lychnis chalcedonica Brightly coloured scarlet flowers June to August. Ht 2.5ft
Lychnis flos jovis Red flowers over white woolly leaves May to July. Ht 15ins
Lysimachia cil. Firecracker Yellow flowers in July. Mahogany leaves. Ht 2.5ft.
Lysimachia Cilliata Delicate pink centred, yellow flowers in
spikes. Bronze new growth. July to September. Ht 2-3ft
Lysimachia clethroides Arching spikes of white flowers mid summer on Ht 3ft
Lysimachia ephemerum Grey foliage White flower spikes to 3ft June to August.
Soil that doesn’t dry out
Lysimachia nummularia aurea Creeping ground cover plant with golden
foliage and yellow flowers in Summer. Ht 4ins
Lythrum Salicaria Blush Blush pink flower spikes July to September.
Ht 2-3ft. Soil that doesnt dry or pond marginal.
Lythrum Salicaria Firecandle Intense rosy red flower spikes July to
September. Ht 2-3ft. Soil that doesnt dry or pond marginal.
Macleaya cordata Tall foliage plant with attractive blue grey
leaves and plumes of pink flowers July to August. Ht 6ft
Malva Moschata Alba Large white mallow flowers on a vigorous
plant June to September. Ht.2ft.
Malva Moschata Rosea Large pink mallow flowers on a vigorous
plant June to September. Ht.2ft.
Malva Bibor fehlii Purple flowers throughout Summer
Ht 4 –5ft
Malva Primley Blue Large blue flowers June to September. Ht 18ins
by 3ft spread.
Malva Zebrina Deep purplish red flowers with darker stripes
throughout summer. A large vigorous plant. Ht 4-5ft.
Malva Zebrina Blue Blue flowers with darker stripes
throughout summer. A large vigorous plant. Ht 4-5ft.
Malvastrum lateritum Large apricot flowers with a red centre ring through
Summer Ht 1.5ft
Meconopsis Betonicifolia Himalayan poppy. Large sky blue flowers.
Best part shade with plenty of leafmould. Ht 2ft. June to July
Melissa officinalis aurea Lemon balm.Perennial herb with attractive
foliage. Prefers some shade. Ht 2ft
Mentha Longifolia Buddlia Mint
Mimulus Burnettii Bronze orange flowers through Summer.
Ht 15ins. Soil that doesnt dry.
Mimulus Luteus Clear yellow flowers red spotted lip in Summer. Ht 15ins.
Mimulus Luteus variegata Strongly variegated foliage, clear yellow
flowers through Summer. Ht 15ins. Unusual
Monarda Adam Bee Balm. Scarlet flower heads June to August. Ht 2.5ft.
Monarda Libra Bee Balm. Pink flowerheads August to
September. Ht 2.5ft. New mildew resistant variety.
Monarda Prairie Night Bee Balm. Rich violet purple flower heads
June to August. Ht 2.5ft.
Monarda Ruby Glow Bee Balm. Ruby red flowers, red tinted
foliage. June to August. Ht 2.5ft. New mildew resistant variety.
Monarda Sagittarius Bee Balm. Dark lilac flowers July to August.
Ht 2.5ft. New mildew resistant variety.
Myosotis scorpioides Perenial forgetmenot. Intense sky blue
flowers through Summer. On a compact plant. Ht 6ins
Nepeta Cataria True Catmint. Cats love it. Inconspicuous
white flowers June to August. Ht 2-3ft
Nepeta Faassenii Mauve blue flowers May to September. Ht 18ins
Nepeta grand Dawn to Dusk Soft pink flowers, dark purple calyx
July to September. Ht 2.5ft.
Nepeta Macrantha Lilac pink narrow tubular flowers June to
August. Ht 3ft. Full sun.
Nepeta Sibirica Lavender pink flowers June to July.
Ht 3ft. May spread.
Nepeta sib Souv. A. Chaudron Blue flower spikes June to July.
Ht 18ins. May spread.
Nepeta Six Hills Giant Lavender blue flowers all through Summer. Ht 18ins
Oenothera tet. Fireworks Clear yellow flowers with deep red buds June
to September. Ht 18ins
Oenothera Youngii Golden yellow saucer shaped flowers
June to September. Ht 15ins
Omphaloides verna Short sprays of blue flowers in early Summer.
Good in shade. Ht10ins
Ophiopogon Planiscapus Nigra `Black Grass' Unusual black leaves, small
pink flowers in July. Ht 6ins
Origanum Vulgare aureum Golden Marjoram. Yellow sweet scented
bushes. Lilac flowers July to August. Spreading groundcover.
Origanum laevigatum Hopleys Many purplish pink flowers
August to September. Ht 2ft.
Origanum vulgare Marjoram. A shrubby herb with lilac blue
flowers in Summer. Ht 1ft
Osteospermum Bloemhoff Belle Very large deep pink flowers. Sunny
sheltered site. Ht 1ft
Osteospermum Buttermilk Pale creamy yellow flowers with brown
reverse and a dark eye. Tender so take cuttings in Autumn
Osteospermum Cannington Roy Pale pink flower with darker streaks and
blue eye. Flowers all Summer.Quite hardy.
Osteospermum Ecklonis Pale pink flowers turning to white with a
blue reverse. Flowers all summer. Hardy. Ht 1ft
Osteospermum Jucundum Blackthorn Seedling Purplish pink flowers
Through summer. Prefers a sunny sheltered site. Ht 1ft.
Osteospermum Jucundum Pink Smallish deep pink flowers all Summer.
Ht 1ft. Hardy
Osteospermum Pink Whirls Pink petals pinched at base forms unusual
flower. Flowers all Summer. Tender take cuttings in Autumn.
Osteospermum Stardust Purple flowers through Summer. Fairly Hardy. Ht1ft
Osteospermum Sunny Gustav Large daisy flowers all summer. For
Containers, windowboxes. Full sun. Ht 1ft. Winter protection.
Osteospermum variegated Variegated foliage, white flowers through
summer. Protect from frost. Patio or conservatory plant.
Osteospermum Weetwood White daisy flowers with a darker centre all
Summer. Ht 1ft. Quite Hardy
Osteospermum Whirligigg White petals pinched at base forms unusual
flower. Flowers all Summer. Tender take cuttings in Autumn.
Pachysandra Terminalis variegata. Variegated evergreen foliage. White flowers
February to April. Good groundcover. Will grow in dry shade.
Papaver atlanticum Numerous pale orange flowers June to September. Ht 1ft
Papaver or. Beauty of Livermore Large red flowers with black blotches.
May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Beauty Queen Large light apricot flowers May to July. Ht18ins
Papaver Oriental Black and White Large white flowers with black blotches
May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Curlilocks Large orange red ruffled flowers with a
black throat May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Doubloon Large double scarlet flowers May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Mrs Perry Large pink flowers May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Perrys White Large white tinged blush flowers May to
July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Picotee white frilly flowers, salmon edge May to July. Ht 18ins
Papaver Oriental Sultana Large deep pink, papery flowers May to July. Ht 18ins
Parthenium White Bonnet Double white button flowers
through Summer. Ht 18ins
Peltiphyllum Peltatum Large plant with clusters of lilac pink
flowers before leaves in April and May.Ht 3ft. Damp soil
Penstemon Alice Hindley Lavender mauve and white tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Appleblossom Pale pink, white throated tubular flowers
all through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Black Knight Deep purple tubular flowers through Summer.
Ht 18ins. Sheltered site. Winter protection.
Penstemon Blackbird Deep purple tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Chester Scarlet Large dark red tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Coral Pink Coral pink, white throated tubular flowers
all through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Evelyn Tiny narrow rose pink tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Quite hardy. Ht 2ft
Penstemon Firebird Brilliant red tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site.Quite hardy. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Garnet Dark garnet red tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Quite hardy. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Glabra Lilac pink and blue tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2ft
Penstemon Hidcote Purple Purple tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon King George Large blood red tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Laetus Roezlii Dwarf.Deep lilac pink tubular flowers in
Summer.Sheltered site. Quite hardy. Ht 1ft
Penstemon Logans Pink Tiny intense pink tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 18ins
Penstemon Osprey Large pink and white tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Pennington Gem Large mid pink tubular flowers all through
Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Raven tubular flowers all through Summer.Sheltered
site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Snowstorm White tinged pink tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Sour Grapes Blue, pink and cream tubular flowers all
through Summer.Sheltered site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Penstemon Thorn tubular flowers all through Summer.Sheltered
site. Winter protection. Ht 2-3ft
Perovskia Blue Spire Lilac blue flower spikes through Summer. Ht
3ft. Prefers dry site in full sun
Persicaria affinis superba Dimity pink pokers June to Sept.
Colourful autumn foliage Ht 6ins
Persicaria ampl. atrosang. Bushy plant with ruby red flower spikes to
3ft. June to September.
Persicaria bistortum superbum Clear pink pokers May to June. Ht 2.5ft
Persicaria Campanulatum blotched leaves creamy pink flowers in Summer. Ht 2 ft.
Persicaria Darjeeling Red Pink,red and white flower spikes July to
October. Ht 6ins. Good groundcover
Persicaria Donald Lowndes Pink flower spikes July to October. Ht6ins. Good
Persicaria millettii Crimson flower spikes June to November. Ht1ft
Phlox Rijnstroom. Tall border type. Deep rose pink flowers
July to September. Ht 2.5ft.
Phlox Sandringham Tall border type. Cyclamen pink, dark eyed
flowers July to September. Ht 2.5ft.
Phlox Starfire Tall border type. Dark foliage, red flowers
July to September. Ht 2.5ft.
Phlox White Admiral Tall border type. Clear white flowers
July to September. Ht 2.5ft.
Phuopsis Stylosa Spreading groundcover plant with many pink
flowers from July to September. Ht 10ins
Phygelius Devils Tears Crimson tubular flowers through Summer.
Sheltered site. Ht 3ft+
Phygelius Moonraker Creamy yellow tubular flowers through
Summer. Sheltered site. Ht 3ft+
Phygelius Winchester Fanfare Tubular Salmon flowers through Summer. Ht3-4ft.
Platycodon grandiflorum Balloon flower. Blue saucer flowers June to Aug Ht 1ft
Polemonium caer. Hopleys Large heads of flesh pink cups June to
August. Ht 3-4ft. Not invasive
Polemonium Caeruleum alba Jacobs Ladder. White flowers May to June.
Ht.2.5ft . Seeds itself cottage garden style.
Polemonium Caeruleum. Jacobs Ladder. Sky blue flowers May to June.
Ht.2.5ft . Seeds itself cottage garden style.
Polemonium Cashmerianum Larger flowered form of Jacobs Ladder. Sky
blue flowers on 18ins spikes May to June
Polemonium foliosissimum alpinum Pure white flowers May to June. Ht 18ins
Polemonium Lambrooke Mauve Lilac mauve flowers on compact plant
June to August. Ht 1ft
Polemonium Pauciflorum Unusual variety. Yellow flowers tinted with
red in May to June. Ht 18ins
Polemonium reptans Blue pearl Lavender blue flowers May to June Ht 1ft.
Polemonium rep.Pink Beauty Lilac pink cup like flowers on 18ins spikes.
May to July
Potentilla atrosanguinea Brilliant red flowers June to July. Silvery leaf. Ht 1.5ft
Potentilla Blazeaway Suffused orange red flowers June to August. Ht 1ft.
Potentilla Gold Clogs Bright gold flowers ringed with orange Mayto August. Ht 6ins
Potentilla Helen Jane Large carmine rose flowers with a dark
centre July to September. Ht 15ins
Potentilla recta alba White flowers with a yellow centre June to July. Ht 15ins
Potentilla recta warrenii Heads of bright yellow flowers June to September. Ht 2ft
Potentilla Scarlet Flame Brilliant scarlet flowers May to July Ht 2ft
Potentilla tonguei Small apricot flowers June to August. Ht 10ins
Potentilla Wm. Rollison Almost double intense orange flame flowers
June to Sept Ht15ins
Primula auricula Large flowered, mixed colours.March to May. Ht 6ins.
Primula beesiana Purple flowers with orange eye June to July.
Ht 18ins. Soil that doesnt dry
Primula bullesiana Mixed colour flowers June to July. Ht 18ins. Soil that doesnt dry
Primula bulleyana Rose and apricot flowers. Ht 18ins Soil that doesnt dry
Primula denticulata Drumstick Primula. Mixed colours. Flowers
March to May. Ht 1ft
Primula denticulata Ruby Drumstick Ruby flowers March to May. Ht 1ft
Primula Florindae Like a giant cowslip. Yellow flowers July to
August. Ht 18ins. Soil that doesnt dry
Primula Gold Lace Tiny black flowers with gold edge and
centre. Best in part shade. Ht 9ins
Primula Japonica Candelabra primrose. Mixed colour flowers
May to June. Ht 18ins. Prefers part shade
Primula Lady Greer Numerous dainty pale yellow flowers April to May Ht6ins
Primula Pruh. Blue Riband Many bluish flowers March to April.Ht 6ins
Primula pruh. Dawn Ansell Creamy white double flowers June to August. Ht 6ins
Primula veris True cowslip. Golden yellow flowers in heads May to June. Ht 10ins
Primula vulg. Marion Davie Double primrose. Cream flowers March to May.Ht 9ins
Primula vulgaris True primrose. Golden yellow flowers May to June. Ht 6ins
Primula Wanda Purplish red flowers in profusion February to April. Ht 6ins
Primula Wanda hybrids Mixed colours. Flowers in profusion
February to April. Ht 6ins
Primula rosea grandiflora Large bright rose coloured flowers March to April. Ht 9ins
Prunella Grand. Loveliness Pale violet flowers June to August. Ht 8ins
. Good groundcover.
Prunella grand. White Loveliness White flowers June to August. Ht 8ins
. Goodgroundcover.
Prunella grandiflora Carmine and pink flowers June to August. Ht8ins
Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria Angustifolia Azurea Really bright blue flowers March to April.
Ht 1ft. Sun/shade. Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria Longifolia Dark green leaves with white spots, rich
blue flowers March to April. Ht 1ft. Sun/shade. Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria Munstead Blue Brilliant blue flowers March to April. Ht1ft.
Sun/shade. Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria Rubra Redstart Red flowers March to April. Ht 1ft.
Sun/shade. Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria Sac. Mrs Moon Leaves flecked white, lilac red flowers
March to April. Ht 1ft. Sun/shade. Good groundcover.
Pulmonaria sacharata argentea. Silver grey leaves Pink buds and blue flowers
March to April Ht 1ft good groundcover
Pulmonaria Sissinghurst White Bright white flowers March to April Ht 1ft sun/shade
Pulsatilla vulg. Rubra Pasque Flower. Red upright bell flowers
March to May. Attractive seed heads. Ht 1ft
Pulsatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower. Violet blue upright bell
flowers March to May. Attractive seed heads. Ht 1ft
Pulsatilla vulg White Swan Pasque flower. White upright bell flowers
March to May. Attractive seed heads. Ht 1ft.
Rheum Ace of Hearts Red purple heart shaped leaves. Tall flower spikes of
Pale pink May to June Ht 1ft
Rheum Palmatum Large purple deeply cut young leaves, red
flowers in June and July. Ht 6ft
Rodgersia Aesculifolia Palmate leaves. Spikes of white flowers in
July and August. Ht 5ft. Soil that doesn’t dry out.
Rodgersia Pinnata Elegans Copper tinted leaves. Spikes of creamy white
flowers in July and August. Ht 3ft. Soil that doesnt dry out.
Rodgersia Podophylla Jagged leaves red in Autumn. Spikes of white
flowers June to August Ht 4ft. Soil that doesnt dry out.
Rosa polyantha Dwarf rose with single, double or semidouble
flowers. Mixed colours. Summer flowering. Ht 1ft.
Rudbeckia fulgida deamii Deep yellow flowers with a dark centre July
to Sept on a straight growing plant. Ht. 2.5ft
Rudbeckia Goldquelle Double chrome yellow flowers July to Sept. Ht 2.5ft
Rudbeckia newmanii Yellow flowers with a black centre July to Sept. Ht 18ins
Rumex atrosanguinea Red veined foliage plant for sun or part
shade. Ht 1ft. Inconspicuous flowers. Suitable flower arranging.
Salvia bulleyana Yellow flowers with purple blotch June to August. Ht 3ft
Salvia forsskaolii Violet flowers June to July. Ht 4ft
Salvia hians Purple flowers with a white lip on 2ft
spikes June to September. Aromatic foliage.
Salvia icterina Green and gold variegated sage Ht 18ins
Salvia microsiphon White lipped flowers diffused with purple
June to late August. Ht 4ft x 3-4ft spread
Salvia purp. Robin Hill Improved form of purple sage. Ht 2ft
Salvia superba Violet purple flower spikes June to September. Ht 2.5ft
Salvia superba Blue Queen Violet blue flower spikes June to September.Ht 18ins
Salvia superba Rose Queen Rose flower spikes June to September. Ht 18ins
Salvia x syl. Maynight Violet flower spikes June to Sept. on low plant. Ht 15ins
Salvia silv. Snowhill White flowers June to August. Ht 18ins
Salvia tricolor Green red and gold variegated sage Ht 18ins
Salvia vert Purple Rain Rich purple flowers above leafy base.
Julyto September. Ht 18ins
Salvia vert. Alba Long dense spikes of pure white flowers June to August. Ht 18ins
Santolina chamycyparis Lavender Cotton. Silvery foliage. Yellow
button flowers in Summer. Ht 15ins
Santolina virens Lavender Cotton. Yellow button flowers
in Summer. Ht 15ins
Saponaria offic. Rosea plena Soapwort. Terminal clusters of double pink
flowers July to September. Ht 2.5ft. Spreads.
Saxifrage umbrosa variegated Attractive foliage sprays of creamy flowers
on 1ft stems in Spring.
Scabiosa ochroleuca Small yellow scabious flowers May to
September. Well drained soil.
Scabious House's hybrids Large blue or white flowers on 2ft stems
June to October. Good cut flower.
Schizostylis coccinea Large scarlet flowers September to November,
grassy leaves. Ht 2ft. Protect from severe frosts.
Sedum Autumn Joy Butterflies like the flat crimson flower
heads in Sept and October. Ht 15ins
Sedum Bertram Anderson Blueish purple foliage, red flowers
July to August. Ht 10ins
Sedum Ruby Glow Dark red flat flower heads
July to August on a compact plant. Ht 1ft
Sedum spectabile Frosty Morn Variegated foliage. Large white flower heads
opening to very pale pink September to October. Ht 18ins.
Senecio tangutica Tall black stems to 9ft with yellow flower
heads in August to October. Prefers moist soil/shade/part shade.
Sidalcea Loveliness Shell pink mallow type flowers mid Summer on. Ht 2ft
Sidalcea William Smith Warm salmon pink mallow type flowers
July to September. Ht 3ft
Sidalcea candida Small white flowers July to August. Ht 2.5ft
Sidalcea hybrida red Large red flowers on strong stems July to Aug. Ht3ft
Sidalcea malv. Party Girl Large rose pink flowers July to August on 3ft spikes.
Sidalcea malv. Sussex Beauty Large pale pink flowers July to August on 3ft spikes.
Silene Dioica Flora Plena Bight pink double cartwheel shaped flowers
over a long period in Summer. Ht 1ft
Sisyrinchium striatum Evergreen iris like leaves, cream/black
flowers.June to July. Ht 18ins
Sisyrinchium striatum variegated Unusual variegated form. Evergreen iris like
leaves, cream/black flowers.June to July. Ht 18ins
Stachys coccinea Bright red flowers july to Sept. Ht 1ft
Stachys macrantha robusta Stiff stems with hooded blooms of rose pink
July to August. Ht 2ft
Strobilanthes atropurpureus Violet blue to purple flowers August to October. Ht 4ft
Symphyanndra hoffmanii Cream large hanging bell flowers July to August. Ht 1ft
Symphytum grandiflorum var. Pale lilac pink flowers April to June.
Attractive foliage .Ht 1ft
Symphytum uplandicum varieg. Pale lilac pink flowers June to August.
Attractive foliage .Ht 3ft
Tanacetum Bees Pink Delight Pyrethrum.Large semidouble rich pink daisy
flowers May to July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Evenglow Pyrethrum. Large bright salmon daisy flowers
May to July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Langport Scarlet Pyrethrum. Large scarlet daisy flowers May
to July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Mrs E.M.Robinson Pyrethrum.Large pink daisy flowers May to
July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Robinson`s Red Pyrethrum.Large red daisy flowers May to
July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Robinson`s Rose Pyrethrum.Large pink daisy flowers May to
July. Ht 2.5ft. Protect from slugs in Spring. good cut flower.
Tanacetum Snow Cloud pyrethrum. White flowers May to June Ht 2ft
Tellima grandiflora Attractive foliage groundcover. Tiny cream flowers Ht 1ft.
Thalictrum aquilegifolium Purple and white fluffy flowers May to July. Ht 3.5ft
Thermopsis montana Yellow pea flowers May to August. Spreads. Ht 2.5ft.
Tiarella Cordifolia `Foam Flower'. Creamy white flower sprays in Spring. Ht 1ft
Tiarella wherryii Foam flower Creamy white sprays through Summer. Ht 8ins
Tradescantia caerulea plena Double blue 3 petalled flowers June to Sept. Ht 18ins
Tradescantia Carmine Glow Carmine red 3 petalled flowers
June to September. Ht 2ft
Tradescantia Innocence Pure white 3 petalled flowers June to September. Ht 2ft.
Tradescantia Isis Rich blue 3 petalled flowers June to Sept. Ht 18ins
Tradescantia Osprey Pure white flowers with a blue centre June to September. Ht 2ft
Tradescantia Pauline Lilac 3 petalled flowers June to Sept. Ht 18ins
Tradescantia Purple Dome Rich purple 3 petalled flowers June to Sept. Ht 18ins
Trollius Baudirektor Linn Globeflower. Orange flowers
May to June. Ht 2ft. Later variety
Trollius Earliest of All Globeflower.Pale orange flowers April toMay. Ht 2ft
Trollius europaeus Native globeflower. Yellow orange flowers April to June Ht 2ft
Trollius Gold Cup Globeflower.Deep golden yellow flowers Aprilto May. Ht 2ft.
Trollius Golden Queen Globeflower. Deep orange flowers May toJuly. Ht 2ft
Valerian Phu Aurea Unusual plant grown for it's brightly coloured Spring foliage
from February to May. Flowers inconspicuous. Ht 3ft
Verbascum blattaria Yellow flowers with pink centres and then
nice seed pods. June to July. Ht 3ft
Verbascum chaixii album White flowers on 4ft spikes July to August
Verbascum Cotswold Beauty Coppery orange flowers with purple centre
July to August. Ht 4ft
Verbascum Cotswold Queen Soft yellowy brown flowers with a purple
centre on 4ft spikes July to August.
Verbascum Gainsborough Dusty yellow flowers on 3ft spikes June to
August. Grey leaves.
Verbascum Helen Johnston Grey green leaves, coppery orange flowers
June to September. Ht 2.5ft
Verbascum nigrum Yellow flowers with red and brown spots
June to September. Ht 4ft
Verbascum Pink Domino Striking deep pink spikes June to August Ht 3ft
Verbascum Royal Highland 3ft spikes of apricot and yellow flowers June to August
Verbena bonariensis Not quite hardy verbena for a sheltered
site. purple flowers July to September. Ht 3ft
Veronica Crater Lake Blue Deep blue flower spikes July to August. Ht 15ins
Veronica incana Silver grey leaves. Dark blue flowers Juneto August. Ht 1ft
Veronica incana Silver Carpet Silver grey leaves larger than incana. Dark
blue flowers June to August. Ht 1ft
Veronica Rosalind Purple blue flower spikes July to August. Ht 2.5ft
Veronica schneeriesen Pure white flower spikes 2.5ft high June to August
Veronica Sightseeing Pink, blue, white or red flower spikes 2ft
long. suitable for cutting
Veronica virginica alba White flowers on tall spikes
July to September. Ht 4ft
Veronica virginica blue Light blue flowers on tall spikes July to September. Ht 4ft
Viola cornuta. alba Perennial. Vigorous. White flowers April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Blue Moonlight Perennial. Pale creamy yellow flowers flushed blue April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Boughton Blue Perennial.Pale sky blue flowers April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Laura Perennial.Golden foliage. Pale blue flowers April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Lilacina Perennial. Lilac flowers April to October.Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Pat Kavanagh Perennial. Pale lemon yellow veined black flowers April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Viola c. Victoria Cawthorne Perennial.Lilac pink flowers April to October. Forms large clumps. Ht 10ins
Yucca filamentosa Bright Edge Ivory white bell shaped flowers May to September. Brightly variegated leaves. Ht 2.5ft
Yucca flacccida Golden Sword Erect boldly variegated foliage. Ht 2ft. White flowers August to September.
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